LASD-involved crash: area has traffic issues
Near Bloomfield Avenue/195 Street has been fatalities and street racing.
By Brian Maquena
February 28, 2022
CERRITOS, CALIF. — A crash involving a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy occurred Monday at around 7:45 p.m. near Don Knabe Community Regional Park.
An LASD patrol vehicle was seen sitting atop the sidewalk on the southwest side of the 195th Street and Bloomfield Aveneue intersection. The nearby area has had two high-profiled vehicular fatalities over the past year or so: two Chinese students were killed after being hit by a vehicle near the Bloomfield Aveneu and Lemming Street intersection, just south of today's accident; and, another person was killed in a crash just north of today’s accident, at Bloomfield Avenue and South Street.
The deputy involved in the accident was OK, said an LASD deputy at the scene, who was having trouble getting cars to stop at the intersection in the wake of the crash. All four street lights were not working and some cars were driving straight through rather than stopping as they were supposed to. The deputy was seen using his flashlight to stop one such vehicle, telling the driver he was supposed to stop.
A work truck with a crane, perhaps to fix the street lights, was at the scene at around 8:45 a m.
The intersection is well known for street racing as 195th Street follows a long path between the park and a gated community. LASD patrol cars can regularly be seen at night parked in the area.
No information was available regarding the welfare of others involved in the crash. However, a small group of civilians near the the citizen's vehicle involved in the crash was seen standing by.
The citizen’s vehicle had its front bumper torn off.
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