LBUSD: Traditional locker rooms are back
A third space will be provided for gender-neutral locker rooms at Wilson High School.
By Brian Maquena
June 3, 2022
LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, CALIF. — The Long Beach Unified School District has decided to add male and female locker rooms after toying with the idea of providing only gender-neutral locker rooms.
“The current plans for the Wilson [High School] locker room include separate areas for girls and boys,” wrote Diana Craighead, district 5 board member for Long Beach Unified. “There will be a central, universal area including individual changing stalls with showers in addition to completely separate areas for girls and boys.”
These completely separate areas will include lockers, changing stalls with showers, and bathrooms, Craighead wrote. She is up for reelection this year, facing Melissa PittsCutler on June 7th.
When told of the news, PittsCutler was left scratching her head.
“I’m confused on what we’re trying to achieve by that,” said PittsCutler on having three types of locker rooms.
PittsCutler said she was against the gender-neutral locker room idea due to safety concerns.
“Originally it was presented differently so now it’s morphed into something else,” she said about the three-part locker room system.
The news may come as a welcomed surprised for many.
Breitbart, a conservative news website, did a controversial story on the matter, entitled “Parents alarmed as California High School unveils ‘all gender’ locker room.” The Los Angeles Times followed up with an article of its own.
When justifying its plan for gender-neutral locker rooms, the school district said “single-occupancy restrooms not adequate for students who may want a non-binary option” and said waiting in line for a gender-neutral stall opened up students to “being outed” and bullying.
As a result, the district pushed the idea of “inclusive facilities” that allowed students of all “gender identities and expressions.”
“Inclusive restrooms and facilities can be used by any student regardless of gender identity and expression or physical ability,” the fall 2021 report stated.
Parents have complained to PittsCutler on the LBUSD district 5 campaign trail about their inability to learn of the district’s plans for the controversial Wilson High School locker rooms, she said. Such complaints have centered on how parents have had to go through a difficult pre-registration process to attend meetings discussing plans for the locker rooms.
“It didn’t seem to be making it openly accessible for all parents,” said PittsCutler, whose two daughters have graduated from Long Beach Unified schools.
You can view the entire fall 2021 report here.
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The Lakewood Populist is not endorsing either incumbent Diana Craighead, nor challenger Melissa PittsCutler, for Long Beach Unified’s district 5 board seat. We will have a separate article on Craighead up shortly but decided to push this article out due to the story’s importance in the community.
42% of the space is still CoEd, cheating ALL students out of safe changing areas.
Moore League aquatic athletes don't want this. Parents don't want this. Teachers don't want this. Community members don't want this. Over 2200 people have signed the petition AGAINST IT!!
These pools won't be able to be rented by US Swimming or Water Polo because they violate Safe Sport, costing the District massive revenue.
Teachers will not supervise them because of sexual harassment lawsuit fears.
Kids have no entry directly into the same sex facilities.
LBUSD already allows students to use the locker room they identify with. These CoEd locker rooms are unsafe and unnecessary.
Both Diana Craighead (LBUSD District 5 Board seat) and Megan Kerr (Council District 5) support this insane plan.
The District has been offered a safe, functional plan that works for ALL. Learn more here: Learn more here:
I know I'm not alone in saying I always felt self-conscious ANYWAY in a school gym locker room and no one needs coed locker rooms. Was this decision to have co-ed locker rooms in schools written by teenage kids? (Sidebar: I do think it's awesome to have a 3rd locker room option -- that idea sounds respectful).